We said that "we did not think that respondent's continued exclusion deprives him of any statutory or constitutional right."
Kaifu insisted on the continued exclusion from government of those tainted by either the Recruit affair or the 1974 Lockheed scandal.
The bill would permit the continued exclusion of aliens on grounds of health, criminal record, narcotics addiction or involvement with terrorism.
Owen's continued exclusion from the national team is something of an enigma.
But it would permit the continued exclusion of aliens with dangerous contagious diseases.
Perhaps most frustrating for many Asian-Americans is their continued exclusion from roles in which reality - or at least logic - would dictate their inclusion.
It feels like there are more of us coming together in all our groups to continue challenging our various communities on their continued exclusion of us.
This move was highly controversial and on 11 November 2001 80,000 marched in protest at their continued exclusion.
It would permit continued exclusion on grounds of current health, criminal record, narcotics addiction or involvement with terrorism.