When briefly deposed by Emmett as store manager the other employees show a strong sense of continued loyalty to him.
Moresby had made a stiff, awkward little speech of thanks to the President, striving to assure him without words of his continued loyalty.
But now that football has to compete with so many other attractions, good results and big names are demanded as the price of continued loyalty.
He spent most of 1199-1204 in France and his continued loyalty was bought by John with further patronage.
Two of his personal guard stood with the pilot, an added guarantee of his continued loyalty.
"And if he receives his promotion, we could count on his continued loyalty afterward, right?"
Italians' continued loyalty to the sit-down restaurant meal can be limiting when all you need is a quick snack.
He lived to old age and Augustus rewarded him for his continued loyalty.
When he is finally persuaded to leave his private rooms (the "wealthy oriental creditor" having departed) they promise their continued loyalty and financial support.
Despite his continued loyalty to the Administration, relations between Nixon and Agnew deteriorated, almost from the start of their professional relationship.