He was exiled from France for revolutionary activities, allowed to return, then imprisoned several years later for his continued opposition to the government.
Now, it is reported, there are 30,000 polygamists in the mountain West, and the number is growing fast despite some continued opposition and infighting.
The continued opposition leaves the President in the awkward position of relying on Republican support for what promises to be Congress's most bitter fight this autumn.
He was expecting a continued opposition.
They try to convince Mathews to sell off the land, and his continued opposition makes him an enemy of the rest of the villagers.
Rhodes's travelling troupe seems to have passed out of existence after 1662, likely due to continued opposition from the better-established rival organizations.
Yet, the group also declared its continued opposition to Mr. Pastrana's policies for the two main rebel groups.
But the questions at the Chamber of Commerce meeting suggested that it will face continued opposition.
But most of all, McGovern was known for his continued opposition to the Vietnam War.
First, he faces continued opposition from officials whose power would be diminished, and from conservatives who feel the reforms will explode out of control.