Eighteeen years later, the most striking - and demoralizing - aspect of the work is the continued relevance of his concerns.
The aim was to increase opportunities for students to obtain industry-relevant, reputable degrees and also ensure the continued relevance of polytechnic education.
It's a brilliant introduction to ancient Egyptian life and thought - and its continued relevance today.
Administrative - through appropriate implementation and institutional mechanisms, policymakers can ensure continued relevance and effectiveness of investment policies.
The band never has been, but the secret of its continued relevance is that the Fall never bends with the times.
According to Wildung, it showed "the continued relevance of the ancient world to today's art."
This indicates the continued relevance of privity in employment cases.
Pundits questioned its continued relevance even on the desktop and described it as "the beginning of the end".
Clausewitz's work is still studied today, demonstrating its continued relevance.
Secondly, as regards the continued relevance of the Action Plan, and in particular the measures proposed, respondents generally supported the work done since 2003.