In the midst of continued violence, Israel plunged into a politically turbulent period.
The two explosions were part of continued violence believed to be carried out by Sikhs.
The threat of continued violence and a burgeoning public support for the farmers seem to have shifted the odds in their favor.
The intense politicking took place against a backdrop of continued violence.
However, due to continued violence in the region the 201st remains a fully active division.
The continued violence is hampering efforts to bring Iraq the kind of calm needed for investment, business leaders say.
Israel will not deal with an advocate of continued violence.
The continued violence culminated in an armed resistance movement around 2003.
Until such a peace agreement is concluded, it is important for all parties to avoid incidents and other action which may lead to continued violence.
He also stressed that the Thai government's security approach to the crisis would aggravate the situation and lead to continued violence.