And the statistics revealed a continuing increase in the numbers of overseas students studying at UK universities.
Tagliabue also noted that there was a continuing increase in player salaries of about 15 to 20 percent a year.
You need not look much further than the huge and continuing increase in the population of immigrant students.
This must be a consequence of the recent and continuing increase in cranial volume.
Surveys and polls conducted in 1942 show a continuing increase among whites who support racial integration and equal rights.
In other words the State should, if necessary, permanently provide jobs and accept a continuing increase in the national debt.
The Navy estimate of chemical-weapons programs suggests a continuing increase in the number of such programs.
"Ever since we started searching, there's been an uneven but continuing increase in electromagnetic emissions surrounding Domarus Four."
The technological progression is a continuing increase in length-measuring ability per pound of instrument, with no apparent upper limit according to Fuller.
This resulted in a rapid and continuing increase in price.