Rhodan directed Fire Control to keep up a continuous bombardment.
But it is far from clear, given the surprisingly small effect of this continuous bombardment on Iraq's military potential, that even another month will seriously reduce it.
The 6th Division attacked the perimeter defences early on 21 January, following a week of continuous bombardment from both land and sea.
The Irgun offensive included a continuous three day mortar bombardment of the town centre.
Without pause the explosions became a continuous bombardment, and thick, white smoke engulfed the courtyard, blotting out the sun.
Ten seconds of continuous bombardment with pure thermal energy!
At dusk today, after more than 24 hours of almost continuous bombardment, the gunners showed no sign of relenting.
The area was subjected to a heavy continuous bombardment by B-52 bombers.
Firstly, because of the continuous bombardments and secondly because of the German occupation.
Here he constructed a number of batteries within pistol shot of the enemy, from which he was able to subject them to continuous bombardment.