On March 27, 7th Cavalry withdrew after 120 hours of continuous combat.
This area would witness the most continuous and fierce combat of the siege.
On December 23, 1944, the regiment was withdrawn for rest at Ravenna after 43 days and nights of continuous combat.
Morale of the two divisions was low, owing to repeated air attacks on equipment and overall exhaustion from continuous combat.
With almost continuous combat in the area, the precise number of battles forming the Isonzo campaign is debatable.
This was the start of nearly two days of continuous combat for the British, some of the toughest fighting of the war.
Airmen have been engaged in 16-plus years of continuous combat and will be there long after the ground forces depart.
The month of continuous mental and physical combat had taken its toll.
It had served in continuous combat longer than any division in the Sixth Army.
On September 5, after three months of continuous combat, D Company was withdrawn from the lines.