But in the last two years the Communists are in a continuous decrease in the 2010 adding together 52.52% of votes.
The Brother's involvement in the school has been in decline due to a continuous decrease in men entering the De La Sallian society.
In Japanese Chum Salmon, for example, between 1970 and 1988 there has been a continuous decrease in body weight averaging between 11 and 32 percent.
However, with the continuous decrease of oil prices, Petrobras' stock shares fell to R$33,00 on 14 August 2008.
With increasing cost of mask sets, and the continuous decrease of IC size, minimizing the number of re-spins is vital to the development process.
This leads to a continuous decrease in symptoms.
There was a continuous decrease in order within the kingdom and the disregard for the central control on the part of the feudatories increased.
The continuous decrease in import duties is supposed to promote economic prosperity.
He said the decision was spurred by "a continuous decrease in its enrollment and the growth of competition for a shrinking pool of prospective students."
The settlement has a continuous decrease of population.