The educational system revolves around a grade system, which emphasizes continuous evaluation of a student academic strength.
"I have always advocated continuous evaluation," came Gantel's answer.
And follows continuous and comprehensive evaluation for all classes.
This process of continuous evaluation, if carried out conscientiously, will lead to more effective teaching.
A Christian education requires rigorous academic standards as well as continuous evaluation and improvement.
Putting initial conception to design centers and its components and its equipment, with continuous evaluation.
The school follows a system of continuous evaluation at the pre- school and the primary stages,wherein no examinations are conducted.
The school follows a scheme of continuous evaluation, which includes weekly tests, term end examinations, assignments and projects.
I think we all agree that the EIT should develop progressively and be subject to continuous evaluation.
Teaching efficiency and effectiveness of the curricula in enhancing the balanced development of students are appraised through continuous evaluation.