Near the mouth, groundwater springs continuously discharge brackish (salty) water into the creek.
It is permissible to discharge continuously at any rate up to 25% above normal, and occasionally for short periods at rates up to six times normal.
The Matalag River is a river flowing from Kabugao, Apayao and continuously discharging to Rizal, Cagayan.
Thus the main culprit must be the sediments, which they say are continuously discharging PCB's into the river.
Double and triple installations can be arranged so that they use a constant flow of water, which is introduced into the rinse sink, overflowing by weirs wash sinks, to discharge continuously via an overflow pipe fixed in the wash sink.
Two freshwater ponds (East Mill Pond and West Mill Pond) continuously discharge to the tidal Forge at this location.
Along this same area, 30 large sewers are continuously discharging into the river.