In the lab, the link was tested continuously for 27 hours, transferring over a petabyte of data with nary an error.
This intuitive system is continuously tested through the audience's responses.
He wanted students to realize that values are not unchanging, they must be tested continuously by evidence.
The robotic peat harvesting team was continuously tested for a full season, completing over 100 harvesting missions in a working peat bog.
The Germans were continuously tested by the resistance groups.
New products are continuously tested, Mr. Lang said.
As a result, the warriors were continuously tested against AI and human players in order to achieve proper balancing between warriors.
Specific design methodologies have been adopted and are being continuously tested.
"The strands are continuously tested for current path, Mundy," Vesey said.
Scientists need to explain that though evolution is a theory, details of it have been adjusted and proven for years, and are continuously tested and proven.