The Shadow recognized the contorted form of Ku-Nuan.
Its contorted form was a violent attack against suburban conformity, and it established him as one of the major talents of his generation.
Peering from the rear cornice, his keen eyes distinguished the contorted form of the villain who had perished.
Ellas' silhouette bent and shifted, growing monstrously, even though his own contorted form was somehow still visible in the center of the darkness.
Even from a few hundred yards the dome's contorted form holds its own against its mountainous backdrop.
When Mr. Newman's pieces work, which is not always, their contorted, discontinuous forms have an outrageous, ebullient, disorienting energy, like art in drag.
She stepped carefully over the contorted forms on the floor.
Suddenly the man's contorted form relaxed.
The haze, the amorphous mass seemed to pull together, sounds warped and stretching, his thoughts and memories returning, but in an equally contorted form.
As the glare again disclosed his contorted form, the dwarf sprang downward, back toward the shed.