Suddenly it lifted a huge head, and her eyes resolved the contorted shape.
The table is made of 'broken' marble, patterns of cream and deep brown wrenched by subterranean forces into new, contorted shapes.
From its floor rose several lava pillars; eroded, contorted shapes brooding in the deep pit.
And the contorted shapes into which the choreography took him recalled paintings of St. Sebastian.
This pine does not acquire the dwarfed and contorted shape shared by many species at high altitudes.
These are apt to twist into contorted shapes or look like headless statues.
While the concept was appealing, the execution was daunting: how to bend steel into the contorted shape they had in mind?
The place was unmistakable; a high plateau, barren and drear, with the contorted shapes of the Wind's Bones all around.
Its contorted shape was sketched in 1991, part of a redistricting plan intended to give minorities greater political representation.
In front of me the road became pitchy black as though it was tarred, and I saw a contorted shape lying across the pathway.