As long as there are somewhere in the object several airfoil contoured surfaces, whether wing shaped or not, these boomerangs can be thrown and will return.
Its main purpose is shaping molding to fit contoured surfaces.
Flat, angular, and contoured surfaces are made by horizontal shapers.
As an example, Peirson (1988) has reviewed the evidence on artificial radioactivity in Cumbria and shows maps of the distribution of certain radionuclides as contoured surfaces.
However, the casting process can be very economical for part designs that require intricate contoured surfaces, thickness variations, and internal features.
The wheels enable the rotor to roll smoothly on the contoured surface of the housing wall and are made wide to reduce pressure at the point of contact.
For example, ergonomic and aerodynamic contoured surfaces were extremely difficult to define on engineering drawings.
Scrith underlies all the terraformed and contoured inner surface of the Ringworld.
Each blade slides back and forth; pressing the tool against a contoured surface like molding repositions the blades to duplicate the contour.
When striking directly on thin or polished sheet while backing up with another contoured tool ( dolly, spike, etc.), the spoon will provide an accurate contoured surface.