Marketing is responsible for customer relations, sales, and contract administration.
His responsibilities encompassed the legal aspects of contract administration for more than 18,000 contracts.
Morrison Hershfield provided the project management, design, contract administration and site engineering for this tunnel.
The agency's new contract administration mission gave it responsibility for the performance of most defense contractors, including some new weapon systems and their components.
Yet, the services retained contract administration of state-of-the-art weapon systems.
The project will stimulate the economy with the addition of jobs in construction, contract administration and operation, maintenance and replacement of facilities.
Contractors and government personnel recognized the need for consistency in the areas of contract administration and audit.
At that time, each agency and military service was performing their own contract administration which resulted in a great amount of duplicate effort.
That subject is referred to as contract administration.
Since the law took effect, only $135,000 has been spent on prison art, says Nan Butterworth, director of contract administration for the capital planning division.