The company has been stymied by a contract requirement that it assemble the financing for its entire project at the outset.
One new contract requirement springing from the procurement inquiry might merit disclosure.
They also said all contract requirements with the Federal Government were being met or exceeded.
Be careful not to direct the contractor to take action beyond the scope of the contract or consent to a change in contract requirements.
The other construction company, Kawasaki, has met its contract requirements so far, according to the report.
However, there's no long-term contract requirements or overage charges for minutes that exceed the monthly plan.
TTi Technologies needed both short and long term financing to meet contract requirements.
School officials and administrators said there were too many safeguards, including the contract requirements, to permit blatant abuses.
The vendor can only take responsibility for those contract requirements which differ from the manufacturer's responsibilities.
He added, however, that Compuadd already had sufficient manufacturing and support services to meet all the contract requirements.