Disney overruled her, citing contract stipulations that he had final say on the finished print.
In an effort to give schools more flexibility, the contract allows teachers to waive board regulations or contract stipulations, if the principal and 75 percent of the faculty agree.
Despite the contract stipulations that no essential changes were to be made in lifestyle or environment during the year of the contract, locals were always trying to improve their image.
But £3 million-plus rated Keane is unlikely to see out the full term of his new deal because of contract stipulations.
WASN'T I' If he or she resisted my contract stipulations, I in- creased the demands.
Contract: covered briefly in "agency" above, problems with negotiation of contracts and enforcement of contract stipulation.
For one thing, he pointed out, professionals have contract stipulations that compete with the deals the Olympic committees have cut with their sponsors.
Because of this, his partner Storm, who the contract stipulations did not apply to, successfully challenged Angle for the title.
Kahane warned the Stooges that a contract stipulation restricted them from performing in a TV series that might compete with their two-reel comedies.
One of the contract stipulations was that the still-single Mansfield would not marry and Crane would not divorce his wife of eight years.