You might have a contract to supply goods that you've got to install or assemble on site.
Would there have been a contract to supply a record if the advertisement had asked only for three wrappers and no money?
Texas Air's technology unit won a contract to supply software to a new airline reservation system.
He had a contract to supply arms to Iran and wanted our help in setting up the deal.
He received a contract to supply wood to the army during the War of 1812.
Event Horizon won the contract to supply them with memoxes, you see.
In 1933, Shapiro won the contract to supply all the bricks and tiles for the new town project.
In 1957, Hughes won the contract to supply the weapons system for this aircraft.
The contracts to supply the Government with large computer switches are worth $55 million.
He won a contract to supply the police with their new devices, a small but loud 'whistle'.