For example, a builder is contracted to build a homeowner a garage for $35,000.
The company was then contracted to build 118 triple expansion steam engines for the Liberty ships.
On June 14, 1881, Robert Lake was contracted to build a new church.
Mylne's design was selected, and he was contracted to build the bridge, for £10,140, within four years.
Renault was contracted to build the factory, which employed over 2000 workers at its peak production.
Those districts had contracted with the supply system to build two nuclear power plants in Washington State.
Fender was contracted to build six of these PA systems.
The company was contracted to build three prototypes, the first aircraft flying on the 26 July 1957.
The company is also contracted to build six low-rate production aircraft at the same time.
China currently has contracted to build a hydraulic power station and a rubber tire factory.