"A qualified engineer or contractor should conduct an inspection of the structure and installation of the window, air-conditioner and surrounding structure to determine the exact cause and location of the seepage," he said.
Some government agencies, such as the Drug Enforcement Administration, already use private outside contractors to conduct background investigations, and the Office of Personnel Management hires contractors itself for some work.
He said a qualified engineer or contractor should conduct an inspection of the equipment to recommend ways of alleviating the condition.
While Tawes was publicly neither strongly for or against discrimination, Maryland became the first state to enact of public accommodations laws under his administration, and he also directed the state government and its contractors to conduct anti-discriminatory hiring practices.
In any case, it will be a challenge to get everyone in the state behind a program like this one, no matter which contractor is conducting it, Mr. Joy said.
Though I'd originally planned to have contractors submit bids and conduct a series of interviews to finish the work on our home, I knew that the process had begun to wear on Jane.
Community and faith-based organization may serve as contractors under the State outreach plan or the State may conduct the work "in-house."
Ms. Cooper also said public libraries routinely hire private contractors to provide janitorial and security services, buy some books, conduct story-hour programs and prepare books for shelving.
The contractor conducted the evaluation on the basis of data on the results from plans, recent individual evaluations and research and interviews with plan beneficiaries and interested persons working in the cultural sector.
When the contract contains a provision on guaranteed weight, the contractor must point to some act or conduct on the part of the Government to relieve the contractor of compliance with this provision.