Mr. Bethune ran to the television, only to remember that a contractor working in the backyard had accidentally cut the cable the night before.
With housing starts and other construction down around the nation, many contractors have cut their rentals more sharply than expected.
At the silo where the contractor cut the power, a backup battery and generator smoothly repowered the control center's computers and elevator.
In return, compliant contractors cut costs by obtaining labor peace, and they were allowed to violate union regulations through "sweetheart deals."
The contractors promptly cut their bids to $52 to $60 - and still could not compete with a reorganized city service.
About the same time, military contractors, who had constituted the biggest sector operating independently of New York City, cut back sharply as the cold war ended.
The contractor who installed the door and frame had cut corners when it came to securing the frame to the masonry.
These contractors were in high competition with each other and therefore cut wages for their cleaning services.
Every 40 seconds, a contractor, utility company or plumber cuts a new hole in a New York City street.
Some contractors cut corners by employing children, paying less than minimum wages or forgoing overtime compensation.