Larry Schneider, a general contractor specializing in historic restorations, restored the home in 1996.
Crews of firefighters offered their services, as did search-dog teams and a contractor specializing in steel-cutting.
His father is a general contractor specializing in residential construction in Los Angeles.
Sanders, a military contractor specializing in electronics, has more than 7,500 workers in the state.
If the paint contains lead, the wisest plan is to have the surface professionally stripped by a contractor specializing in this.
As the inquiry got under way, 150 Amtrak gandy dancers and crew members of private contractors specializing in train wrecks were on the scene yesterday.
Kaikor Construction Company, Inc. is a Honolulu-based general contractor specializing in concrete structure contracting, with services including...
By the mid-1920s, James McHugh Construction Co. had established itself as a general contractor specializing in elaborate masonry work.
David Baumgart, Gaslamp's art director, has previously worked as a contractor specializing in 2D artwork for video games.
It also relied more on large American military contractors than on Iraqi contractors and smaller nonprofit groups specializing in political transformation.