That's when the contractual restrictions are lifted from those involved on that traumatic day when the ball was mysteriously changed at lunch.
The Enron shares were, however, still under contractual restrictions and should have been devalued to around $161 million.
For this article, the company agreed to waive contractual restrictions limiting what those who accepted buyouts could say.
Restraint of trade is a common law doctrine relating to the enforceability of contractual restrictions on freedom to conduct business.
However, this may be restricted to the Netherlands only due to contractual restrictions.
A library may place you under contractual restrictions to use of a high quality reproduction.
Due to contractual restrictions made with interviewees at the time of the show's production, there is presently no commercial release on video or DVD.
They performed half-a-dozen concerts but contractual restrictions meant the band couldn't be developed further.
They also worried that sales would be hurt by contractual restrictions that prevent many American pilots from flying larger jets.
The Committee, however, is proposing that buyers and vendors should be able to impose contractual restrictions on second-hand articles.