Because of limited and contradictory data, it is difficult to accurately assess water resources availability in Lebanon.
This overview is based on a multitude of sometimes incomplete, contradictory or unclear data.
Both papers are impressive efforts to bring some order out of the fragmentary and often contradictory data on the case.
Nevertheless, from the contradictory data published by the media, there are only 8 victims.
Citing contradictory data, he said, "If you asked 10 people about the economy, you'd get 10 answers."
These contradictory data could perhaps be explained by different viruses having a role in different geographical areas.
Teachers often use this concept as a way to organize confusing and sometimes contradictory data about real estate.
The computer did not have the ability to use its knowledge to explain contradictory data.
As contradictory data appeared in the media, and the events have not passed a court validation yet, the full course of the case is unknown.
Sir, we've wanted these pictures for some time, what with all the contradictory data we've been getting on the sub.