The current criminal code is a much-revised and patched-together document based on a social system that considered private business criminal, and it remains full of contradictory or ambiguous laws.
Robert Freeman, the executive director of the state's nonpartisan Committee on Open Government, said the real problem is the state's contradictory laws.
Implied repeal is the traditional way of ensuring that two contradictory laws are never in effect at the same time.
Making It Work But problems persist with a chaotic national economy and contradictory laws.
Danish Code is seen as being born of necessity, as justice was at the time administered on the basis of a large number of somewhat contradictory laws.
Whistleblowing in the U.S. is affected by a complex patchwork of contradictory laws.
Sharia law will now overide any existing contradictory laws in Libya according to new Libyan 'Government'
However this can be controversial as the prophet Muhammad married a young girl, and promoting contradictory laws could cause social tensions in an Islamic state such as Yemen.
In physics, motion in the universe is described through two sets of apparently contradictory laws of mechanics.
Every 10 years or so Washington is seized with the issue of immigration, and eventually a complicated, contradictory law is produced, making matters worse.