This is a perpetual dilemma into which they are thrown by the vicious, weak, and contradictory principles they have chosen.
The trouble is, we are in love with two contradictory principles.
There is more room for favouritism or vindictiveness in a system that permits manufacturers of automobiles and of washing machines to be governed by different and contradictory principles of liability.
The assumption of such surfaces impinges, according to Wycliffe, upon the contradictory principle as does the conception of a truly continuous transition of one condition into another.
As we saw in Chapter Five, even in the reign of Nicholas contradictory principles had informed the autocracy's attitude towards administration.
Two apparently contradictory principles emerged.
But this contradictory principle has long been invoked by teachers who raise their voices to silence classrooms of noisy youngsters.
Mr. Reagan embraces contradictory principles, leaving policy details to subordinates who seek improved relations.
With this we have clearly established the contradictory principle.
What they need is a fudgy diplomatic formula to obscure powerfully contradictory principles.