But some developers say it could also be a contrarian indicator suggesting that the market may be getting just a little too hot.
In fact, following the size of these funds can be a useful contrarian indicator for market watchers.
However, the ratio is considered to be a contrarian indicator, so that an extreme reading above 1.0 is actually a bullish signal, and vice versa.
Investor sentiment is frequently a contrarian indicator of the market's direction.
Indeed, many money managers use the sentiment figures as a contrarian indicator for stock prices.
Investor sentiment is often seen as a contrarian indicator.
One way is to look at how contrarian indicators have performed in the past.
Bullish sentiment often serves as a good contrarian indicator, so a decline from a relatively high level could mean that the market is less vulnerable to further declines.
Market sentiment is usually considered as a contrarian indicator.
So why should anyone listen to you now, except maybe as a contrarian indicator?