It could have lived for several hours, but not several weeks, contrary to Prosvirina's claims.
The department is designing no new weapons, he said, contrary to the council's claims and the language of the formerly secret document.
Contrary to their claims, the Baby Bells have no special abilities to provide electronic services.
Contrary to later biographers' claims, she was never entirely blind, but perhaps suffered from cataracts.
Thomas also points out that contrary to Froude's claims the reform movement has been active for decades.
Critics claim that, contrary to the bill's claims, the bill will actually harm independent fashion designers.
The report said that contrary to his claims, he was never offered $100,000 or any other sum for his son's campaign.
He says he wrote 15 or 16 stories about Islam, contrary to the paper's claims.
Contrary to your claims, Croatia's support for Bosnia is real and strong.
Contrary to China's claims, Isa has condemned all terrorist activities.