Contrasts Breyer's views with those of originalists such as Antonin Scalia and discusses Breyer's denunciation of originalism.
Mr. Gramm said in an interview that he thought it was more important for him to contrast his views with Mr. Forbes on the flat tax than on social issues.
Polo not only gives evidence of his views by discussing rival theories; he contrasts his views with that of Kant, Hegel and Heidegger.
The perception of Hume as an atheist with an axe to grind is an oversimplification and contrasts his views on extremist positioning.
Madgearu further contrasted his party's views with established politics, criticizing the policies of the National Liberals, who had ruled over Romania in previous decades:
In a commercial that he began broadcasting heavily on Friday, he contrasts his views on several issues with Ms. Ferraro's.
Supporters of Mr. Robertson this week began circulating a letter contrasting Mr. Bush's economic views with those of Mr. Paul.
Patrick Proctor Alexander also used the name in his book Mill and Carlyle, which contrasted Carlyle's views with those of John Stuart Mill.
Popper contrasts his views with the notion of the "hopeful monster" that has large phenotype mutations and calls it the "hopeful behavioural monster".
Matthew Wyatt took potshots at Boaden by contrasting his views as a believer with those after his conversion.