Gone was the awkwardness of her early live performances, which contrasted so strangely with her recordings.
The white hairs of his muzzle contrasted strangely with the youth in those eyes.
Inchkeith spoke with a deep voice, contrasting strangely with his wizened appearance.
Contrasting strangely, a different sound came from the ship's bow.
Bare- breasted, her woman's body contrasted strangely with the hideous helmet and the weapons she carried.
This contrasts strangely with the late Rococo interior of Pacassi to the right.
They contrasted strangely with the smudges beneath his eyes and the deeper lines at the corners.
This contrasts strangely with Mr. Bush's campaign oratory last summer.
The faint smile that came contrasted strangely with Barlo's suddenly solemn demeanor.
Andy's voice, quiet as ever, contrasted strangely with the man's sobbing.