A recent study did extensive spatial analysis and correlated several building, site plan and social factors with crime frequencies and identified nuances to the contrasting positions.
The starkly contrasting positions are part of a broad debate over efforts to reform the Palestinian Authority.
Where there is sharp disagreement, for example, between traditionalists and Afrocentrists over the ethnicity and contributions of Egypt, why not pose the contrasting positions to students as propositions to be studied?
He had offered such contrasting positions in the campaign when he supported a halt on drilling leases off the coast of Northern California while opposing such a ban in other coastal waters.
"Basically, there are two contrasting positions here," said the official, who is familiar with the organization and its leaders and who asked not to be identified.
A contrasting position was taken by Ernst Mach, who contended that all motion was relative.
The most influential expression of the contrasting position - that melancholy confers special virtues - appears in the "Problemata Physica," or "Problems," a discussion, in question-and-answer form, of scientific conundrums.
The contrasting positions offered today illustrated an emerging area of difference between the two candidates, and a preview of what could be a central issue in the campaign.
The contrasting position is that there are in fact such references.
Even if these two organisations have different needs, objectives and structures, it is important that there are no contrasting positions or overlaps liable to cause conflicts of competence.