He concluded that legal processes could be divided into two contrasting types.
Consider these contrasting types of body movement: fast - slow/static strong - weak heavy - light smooth - jagged Eye contact and eye movement.
The new fiction of the age revived two contrasting types of English hero.
He was best known for two specific and contrasting types of film: crime thrillers and screwball comedies.
Example 132 shows just a few melodies of contrasting types:
By the nineteenth century these contrasting types of community would be categorized as being 'open' or 'closed'to migrants who might become a burden on the poor rates.
Strangely contrasting types, these girls of different worlds.
They suggest that there are two contrasting types of approaches to solving environmental problems, which we may term the bottom-up and the top-down approach.
Both schools have now closed, and their sites have been redeveloped for housing of very contrasting types.
These three novels essentially dealt with contrasting types of collaboration in Yugoslavia at different levels during World War II.