Downstairs, a bar and lounge contribute noise and energy to the small dining room at the rear.
They have a large membership base with about 21 Life Timers who contribute their time and energy honorarily.
The other Hortators murmured agreement, and each contributed time or energy.
Many IMSA students contribute time and energy to external programs.
His answer is that high costs screen out "free riders," deadbeat members who would otherwise enjoy a church's benefits without contributing energy, time and money.
The object's vertical motion contributes kinetic energy which has no analogue.
When the net energy gain of an energy source reaches zero, then the source is no longer contributing energy to an economy.
Fiber contributes less energy (measured in Calories or kilojoules) than sugars and starches because it cannot be fully absorbed by the body.
Annie Morrill Smith was a central figure in the organization in the early years, contributing much time, energy, and money.
Too often his phrases were a little square; too rarely did he contribute propulsive energy.