The study was commissioned in response to criticism that the oil and coal projects contributed little to the bank's stated goal of alleviating poverty.
This will contribute to his goal of doubling U.S. exports by the end of 2014 in order to support two million additional jobs for American workers.
Yet each, in its own way, stimulates us to think in images, and each contributes to our goal of showing instead of telling.
In the first period tonight, he contributed to the game's first goal, but after that, the Islanders did everything possible to beat themselves.
Gretzky centered various combinations of wings, and his turnover midway through the second period contributed to Janne Niinimaa's winning goal.
When you select an item for a programme, consider how it will contribute to your goal and how it could affect mood and outlook.
All this contributes to the College's overall goal to improve the health of New Zealanders through high quality general practice care.
In addition to this, it also has been said that dramaturgy does not contribute to sociology's goal of understanding the legitimacy of society.
This will also contribute to our goal of producing renewable energy cost effectively.
All these measures will contribute to our common goal of tackling this unacceptable, appalling, disgraceful figure of 45 000 deaths every year.