The company would not say how much the royalties contributed to its revenue, which also includes sales of machines.
Even if such ventures are successful, they will undoubtedly take time to meaningfully contribute to Coke's revenue.
For several years, it has used analyst meetings primarily to showcase how specific businesses contribute to its revenue.
The contract will contribute about $200 million to its revenue.
Another executive said the firm was not likely to contribute significantly to Morgan's overall revenue for years.
Mountain Farms contributed $7.5 million to the latest quarter's revenue.
For now, new products like Google Desktop are not expected to contribute directly to the company's revenue.
Between 2005 and 2006, Chukha alone contributed over 30 percent to Bhutan's total revenue.
Dairy products contribute close to 10 per cent to Britannia's revenue.
PepsiCo's businesses in these regions, as of 2009, contributed 13 percent to the company's net revenue worldwide.