Tickets to the event cost $1,000, the maximum any one person can contribute under Federal election law.
But the larger countries, which would have to contribute more under such a system, are expected to balk at the idea.
Polluted water contributes, each year, to the death of about 15 million children under age 5.
He also wrote and contributed to magazines under a variety of pen names.
Taxpayers are expected to contribute at least $60 billion under the President's bailout plan.
Individuals cannot contribute more than $4,500 under the same rules, down from $50,000 during the 1980's.
After training has been completed, volunteers are expected to contribute four hours a week under professional supervision.
In any case, even those who must contribute the most under the new law are net beneficiaries.
To join the fund, Russia will be called on to contribute just under $4 billion.
All this would contribute to a democratic and transparent electoral process under appropriate security conditions.