If you can contribute, the extra contribution will make a big difference to your employees' retirement, and constitutes a valuable reward for loyalty.
A combination of Washington state funds, endowment, earned income, grants, and individual contributions constitutes an annual budget of $5 million.
In each of these potential applications, the contribution of the types of semantic analysis constitutes the most outstanding research issue.
John C. Courtin, who chairs the firm's political and charitable contributions committee, said the contributions did not constitute an endorsement of any political candidates.
His contributions on surgery to magazines of both popular and medical character constitute a valuable addition to the literature of the profession.
For prosecutors, the task is usually teasing apart legal and illegal pay-to-play transactions: a contribution and a contract, even taken together, do not constitute a crime.
The European Union's annual contribution constitutes 35% of the total.
All contributions must constitute an ongoing process.
Because the groups are nonprofit agencies, the contributions would constitute a violation of federal tax laws.
Government support of the museum is approximately 3% of the budget; corporate contributions constitute approximately 10% of the budget.