In 1988, when the top rate is reduced to 33 percent, the same contribution will provide no more than $1,650 in tax savings.
Their contributions not only paid for the construction of the park, but also provide for its ongoing conservation.
Her contributions provide the show's only notes of color, and her natural artifacts have been tamed or civilized to a point.
This additional contribution provides the opportunity to achieve a high degree of innovation within the project.
Subscriptions and contributions to various appeals provide the bulk of our finances.
The contributions from these nodes provide a data-rich source for scientists, researchers and developers.
The drive, now in its final days, is falling short of the total reached last year, when last-minute contributions provided a much-needed infusion.
Her literary contributions provide insight on such linguistic transformations in southern India.
All money goes directly to the seven charities, which use the contributions to provide direct services and cash assistance to the poor.
In the case of the Erika, do you know how much support and contribution to funds Europe has provided?