Volpe responded by arguing that he had played a contributory role in creating balanced legislation that protects the rights of both minority groups and religious institutions.
For example, major motion-picture corporation MGM Studios filed suit against P2P file-sharing services Grokster and Streamcast for their contributory role in copyright infringement.
It has been suggested that teasing or criticism regarding appearance could play a contributory role in the onset of BDD.
For the last few years reports in the Pakistani press have identified the C.I.A.'s contributory role in that country's burgeoning drugs and arms businesses.
Neither environmental influences or gender differences, however, offer the whole explanation and evidence from twin concordance studies suggests at least a contributory role for genetic factors in determining individual susceptibility to alcohol related liver disease.
These cardiovascular risks all hinder perfusion, and also may suggest a contributory role of defective vascular autoregulation [4,7,9,11].
Their findings, they say, open a new avenue for attacking tumors by thwarting the bone marrow's contributory role.
SA teaches patients to recognize the cause and effect relationships in their interpersonal interactions which in turn helps them to identify their contributory role in producing the people-problems they complain about.
These changes can be hypothesized to play a contributory, rather than compensatory, role in the development of overweight and obesity with sleep restriction.
Mr. Grinker said the internal review board "believes strongly that the shortcomings of agency performance" "do not imply any contributory role in the death of a child in any particular case."