If there were no contrived way for the Yankees to slip into the playoffs, they would face these series knowing they had to dominate the Orioles or pack up their bats and balls for the winter.
The slow methodical pace has dictated the series so far; it would be a shame to have everything come together in a rushed and contrived way.
He seemed, consequently, least at ease with picturesque and quotidian themes, and contrived ways to inject them with drama.
I don't believe in contrived ways of determining champions, but what about a limitation on how much a club can spend on players as a starting point for levelling the playing field ?
That's a contrived way of looking at it.
In the end the terrorist gets punished in a contrived way that leaves the government's hands clean, allowing the show to have it both ways.
It's also surprising how little the diesel engine is required once moving, which seems to validate the rather contrived way hybrids get their official economy figures.
As Caird says, "Next Best Page is an undeniably contrived way of writing a play, and the success of the piece as a complete work is far from guaranteed .
E Map Most of the interesting sites in the town centre are somehow related to Columbus (in either real or contrived ways), and they form a route you can follow around town.
And it can't be done in a contrived way.