White House officials suggested that the explosives may have disappeared while Saddam Hussein controlled Iraq.
The British now wanted to control Iraq through more indirect means, mainly by installing former officials friendly to the British government.
The three factions controlling Iraq long suspicious of one another - are now on the brink of open tribal warfare.
"We need an innovative approach to international law and accept that we already control Iraq," Mr. Gerson said.
"They would not manage to control Venezuela, the same way they haven't been able to control Iraq."
His policy was to control Iraq with the minimum of funds, so he refused to authorise such projects as a hospital in Iraq.
They have said many times that they are certain that the weapons exist and that they will find them once the coalition forces control Iraq.
"Now is the time to prove they really want to free Iraq, not to control Iraq."
Mr. Hussein remained head of the intelligence and internal security agencies, in effect controlling Iraq.
The entire dark spectacle, designed to leave no doubt as to who controlled Iraq, was filmed and copies distributed around the country.