Better still, the new office may show how businesses can control their appetite for energy.
After all, the government isn't known for being able to control its own appetite (just think of the federal budget deficit).
According to acupuncturists, there is a point on the head that you can press to control your appetite.
Mechanisms controlling appetite are a potential target for weight loss drugs.
Only after many decades had he learned to control his beastly appetite, to take a few drops instead of a life.
Also, knowledge of what is good food to eat, and indeed what might be harmful to health, can control our appetite.
The country's future economic and national security will depend on whether Americans can control their enormous appetite for fossil fuels.
We will continue our efforts to control Washington's wasteful spending and its insatiable appetite for your money.
They also think its role is highly specific, geared toward controlling one's sexual and aggressive appetite.
This decongestant was also used in diet pills to control appetite.