Bacteriophages were first used to control bacteria in the 1920s, and a large clinical trial was conducted by Soviet scientists in 1963.
Many foods are already permitted to be irradiated to control bacteria and keep the foods longer without spoiling.
The immune system usually controls bacteria and yeast in the body to prevent infections.
"To the extent that we can contain and control the environment, the better we can control bacteria in the animals."
This has been used to inhibit the growth of tumors and to control bacteria such as E. coli.
The complex mechanisms controlling such bacteria tissue associations are obscure.
It has been found useful in controlling bacteria as well as helping to maintain the integrity of the skin.
The Agriculture Department approved irradiation of poultry today to control harmful bacteria like salmonella.
Using the database, scientists will be able to develop new methods of controlling disease-causing bacteria in the food chain.
Following the measures described in the guidance will also help to control other bacteria including salmonella and campylobacter.