This was possible even though the Egyptian government does not control communications because there are no agencies mandated to control communications.
The resolution provides restoration of pre-1953 relations between the federal and state government under which the federal government will control defense, foreign affairs and communications.
Rebellions would remain local- ized if the Political Office controlled communications.
This satisfied few but left the way open for the Bolsheviks who soon controlled the army and all communications and transport in Petrograd.
This act was the basis of regulatory power for the executive branch of the government to control electronic communications in the United States:
"The army may have redeployed outside the main towns, but they still control movement, communications and information, and have not ceased their arrest campaigns."
Historically, mass surveillance has been used during wartime censorship to control communications of the populace.
But Mike controlled communications and that meant control of most everything.
We control interstellar communications, it should be enough to prevent them merging to form a genuine threat.
Because it controls communications between the processor and external devices, the chipset plays a crucial role in determining system performance.