At the same time, Niall understood how the death spiders could control other creatures by the will alone.
She can also emit pheromones that allow her to control bestial creatures.
In the game players control various dog-like creatures in a competition to eat the most items in a given level.
This makes it easier for Seth to control undead creatures.
The surest way to control most insects and similar creatures that threaten your vegetable crop is by using a chemical insecticide.
It was also shown to control insectlike creatures that inhabited the ship.
Players utilize this magic book to control various weapons and creatures as they venture out into the landscape.
Likewise all computer controlled creatures always attempt to move each turn.
She is a powerful medium, able to control living creatures and things through the use of its real name.
Zogar Sag has not, however, and can control those few animals and creatures who also remember.