"They easily control properties and enterprises worth more than $100 million through their various holding companies," he said.
The ministries controlling individual enterprises, like the automobile industry, are set to be abolished.
Under a law passed by Congress in 1969, such charitable trusts could not control commercial enterprises, and the foundations were given 20 years to divest.
It was early seen as a public responsibility, since the individual could not be expected to control such large-scale enterprises as water supply and sewerage.
They are typically global multinationals owning numerous international enterprises, controlled by a chairman who has power over all the operations.
On March 16, 2012, regulations were issued which ensure coverage for employees of enterprises controlled by religious institutions that self-insure.
It does little to deal with the oligarchs who control enterprises that have refused to pay taxes, and thus helped bring on the Government's fiscal crisis.
Today, the state controls enterprises that account for more than 50 percent of G.N.P.
A group of enterprises controlled by DDAers are approaching a high level.
His company controls various enterprises that manufacture for him at low overhead, all located in the Orient where there is cheaper labor.