Thorough planning and preparation can help to minimize unanticipated interactions, and effective coping skills may be necessary to control interactions when they occur.
However, a more revolutionary structure developed by Pendry et al., was a structure that could control magnetic interactions (permeability) of the radiated light, albeit only at microwave frequencies.
Users create their own avatar character (from choosing the avatar's outfits to designing the avatar's house) and control their character's life and interactions with other characters in the 3-D virtual world.
Gestures can be used to control interactions within video games to try and make the game player's experience more interactive or immersive.
Attachment is critical for cell-signaling because it controls protein-protein interactions and the access of enzymes to lipid substrates.
Much of the country is completely off-limits to tourists, and the military very tightly controls interactions between foreigners and the people of Burma.
In this way, rapamycin can be used to control and study protein localization and interactions.
CSCL systems use technology to control and monitor interactions, to regulate tasks, rules, and roles, and to mediate the acquisition of new knowledge.
The key is how the story is experienced: while in other games, the player only controls the movements and interactions of his character, in Bot Colony the player speaks for himself or herself.
Eastern Tamils had feudal organizations that centered around Ur Podiyar at a village level and the Kudi system that controlled social interactions.