But even then it's not controlling interest.
Existing clubs would be able to retain their licenses only as long as the current owners hold controlling interest.
There is no fixed definition of "controlling interest" and it is usually determined by negotiation, being either 50% or more or 30%.
He sold controlling interest to Cleveland multi-millionaire Bart Wolstein in 1979.
She buys up controlling interest in the company and moves into his home as the new tenant.
Limited, one of the country's leading grocery chains, and over the following years acquired controlling interest.
In 2001, the Nedbank Group acquired 51.1% controlling interest in the bank.
Issued capital and reserves attributable to equity holders of the parent company (controlling interest)
"If you wish to contract his personal services, the price would be substantially higher like, say, controlling interest?"
By 1918, Attaway had acquired controlling interest; in 1925, he became the president and publisher.