A major input to the control logic is a clock signal which controls all the microprocessor's timing.
Microcode was originally developed as a simpler method of developing the control logic for a computer.
Computers have been using microprogramming of control logic since the '50s.
The control logic has to allocate these connections, and most switches do so in a way that is fault tolerant.
There is separation between the control logic of the process and the energy management system.
This simplifies the control logic required, and can improve performance by avoiding stalls.
The control logic has to allocate these connections, and the basic method is the algorithm already discussed.
As instructions are fetched, control logic determines whether a hazard could/will occur.
Additional control logic is used to determine which input to use.
This mix of state diagrams and flow charts is illustrated in the figure on the right, which shows the control logic for a simple stopwatch.